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Jul 31, 2011

A Truth


When you are reading this you already have an experience of backstabbing or you are soon going to have one if you are in love.

you think "No it cant happen to me,it only happens to losers".Well here is what I think about losers
Only a loser will let go..and if you are loyal and human enough never say goodbye.

A very usual thing....

It may seem same old boring story of a lost person but think about it because while you are reading it you might have a flash somewhere in your mind"same thing happened with me! but I got over it and now I am happy".Ask yourself again are you??

Most of us are just left as a creature because human have feelings and while a word came HUMAN here I might want to recall you that reading this as a creature will not effect you even slightly.

Do you remember the name of that first girl or boy you ever said "I LOVE YOU" ??
sure you do...Well keep it there because sometimes it keeps you going and perhaps lead you to ultimate goal of your life --that is to NOT TO BE LOYAL or a HUMAN.

Word "LOYAL" reminds me here a very important part of our lives,FAMILY.Are they loyal to you or are you loyal to them because in most cases we are always looking for benefits and advantage that has been granted to us by the blood relation and emotional blackmail side of a perfect HUMAN.

Why am I even writing this when you are gonna read it and throw it in a trash like you always do.I am writing it because nowdays we have a great revaluation in INDIA against corruption,shouting and raging on our politicians even before asking ourselves are we LOYAL or are we even HUMAN enough to riot on this?

I am writing this because we are not only lost our culture but off-course lost the souls of humanity.And this does not stays with in the borders of a country.We are so doomed that we see it as a third person and say to ourselves that thank God I am not like them.

I am writing this because you believe it or not you are going to die one day "THINK OF IT" what life have you lived.Keep one thing in mind that its all going to end and think again and again how you are going to end it.The way you lived it or the way you deserve?

I am not religious,I am not a patriot,I am not a politician....I am not even an HUMAN enough.

To be written....


A Clever man said "dont worry you will forget her in no time",A wise man said "I am so sorry for your lose",A friend said "if she ever loved you" and A family said "where do we stand if you die ?
No one can feel what it like when those memories come back and ............have no mercy to your heart.
I am sorry to everyone I have hurt but now when I learnt that Loyalty is no more the part of human heart I decided to live for those whom I have responsibilities to.


Keep Spreading.
May God Bless you.
