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Oct 16, 2011


Oct 13, 2011

Common Gods of Mankind-Chapter 2


Mysterious mankind history that is very much a puzzle impossible to solve for modern age man with so much of so called technology.

Easter Island  holds some very impressive ancient statues those are approximately each statue 21 meter of height and more than 100 tons called Moai .

Wiltshire,United Kingdom and its famous Stonehenge that was built around 3000 BC approximately each stone 25ft of height and more than 30 tons.

Southern Peru Nazca lines,There are some figures in size of more than two soccer fields and some are even 25 meters to 275 meters long.Amazing isn't it?

Now why would you want to build something seem almost impossible within the reach of your capability and technology,why would you want it so big to be seen from a long distance but that is the only part we can explain with human imagination and thirst for creativity etc.Lets see why would you want to build something that can only be seen from way above your head and that means literally minimum1000ft from ground in the air when there is no such thing that can let you to fly such as any kind of airplane?

Moai stone statues are so heavy that it cant be moved easily and that is not all,the island they are placed on has no tree at all according to main stream scientist when the statues were built.So why trees,because with the round wood Columns under heavy stones will be a good transportation utility.Stonehenge is also an impossible task to its era of human not because of the weight of those stone but the reason they were placed for and that is space or stars.Now Nazca lines it is very obvious that you may not figure it out without going in the air that what is drawn there.

So here again a question rises what was it they were searching in sky,stars or space?Why all the cultures of the same age were so much in to search of astronomy while they were on earth ?

To be written...

Oct 10, 2011

Common Gods of Mankind-Chapter 1

 "Who" to "Why"

Here in the era of advanced technology we possess the superiority to any existing living creature on the earth and we do not stop here we are now searching through the sky to the limitless space.If I ask you to go 100 years back from now and imagine what mankind have achieved today,will you be able to accept the reality like cell phone and Internet?

Now lets just go 1000 years back from now and it would seem impossible to have Aircraft,telephones,Television and even electricity.Did you notice that all of a sudden whole human race has evolved much faster than ever before.We have been roaming on the earth more than thousands and thousands of years where no such revolution took place such as in last 1000 years,Can you believe it?You may but I don't.It seems so illogical to me that what we could do in last 1000 years we couldn't do that all the time of our history that is stretching back more than hundreds of thousands of years back or could we?

For a little clue we need to go through the words of our ancestors or the books written by them.We have so many miracles written or told by our ancestors that may seem completely impossible even in this age with so much of advanced technology.For example Hercules (Hercles) the demigod born and lives among human very well known to the world as a son of God (Zeus).Hercules was extremely powerful and has done so many things can not be done by a normal human but we are missing something here.The Greek mythology says that Zeus found a human girl very attractive and as usual the Attraction lead us to Hercules.Now the thing is,if a God could be attracted to us in such a way wouldn't it be little unworthy to him to be called as GOD?

Now we have so many cultures today all around the globe having almost same stories such as Hindu holy book tells the story of a warrior Karan son of God (Sun) and Kunti.Where in Sumerians (Iraq) there was Annunaki the powerful Sumerian God who is believe to be involved in the development of modern day human beings.Annunaki has had two sons.Now according to Hebrew Bible and Qur'an God has talked to Moses and given a task to free his people where Moses has performed theoretically impossible tasks such as splitting the ocean.Without going so much deep of stories those are already well know to the world lets just come to the point here.

We have so many stories in every culture explaining almost similar happening no matter its Japan,America,Iraq or India.Every single culture says that the God descended form the sky and when the Mighty made his presence they explain it as the glory of God that is "When God came to earth there was so bright light with huge ball of fire and the earth shook". Though it makes one thing very clear that its not the dreams or fairy tails of our ancestors,I mean they were not lunatic to pass over a false information to their successors,WHY would they do so?

Now the question changes its purpose,when God has created everything and given destiny to each kind, WHY would he come to the earth all of a sudden?

To be written...

Oct 9, 2011

Common Gods of Mankind


We are here with some mythical believes of supernatural being and the powers does not seem to possessed by human but its God.Thousands of years have been passed with something we couldn't understand from the very beginning of our race and we called them Lords from heaven.Our knowledge and the power we claim with in human reach has no match to them.They have weapons of destruction and creation both that can wipe out the entire human race within such a short time.

They have knowledge that they have given to us to create a better life and a better world around us.They lives in sky somewhere we can not even see or find them, yet we have such faith that they are living within as well in our hearts as in our souls.Every ancient culture of mankind has almost similar stories of Gods.From painted symbols in the caves to the written holy books.Where human has not yet been discovered the language came to know that someone is watching us visiting us time to time and passing the knowledge.And we started to worship them in different manners but the question still remains "Who are they ?"

to be written...
